Let me just start off by saying I Loath Baby Showers! Loath, Hate, Despise, and whatever other words that express the same sentiments. Traditional baby showers are silly and contrived and tedious. So, when we found out we were having a baby nearly 9 months ago, I was bound and determined to make sure that we did NOT have a baby shower.
And we DIDN'T!!!!!
Instead, this weekend, we had a coed backyard bbq with all our lovely friends. There was food and drinks (although I couldn't partake...) AND, most importantly, no silly games, except the most ingenious pinata that was ever made! It was perfect. And all thanks to our 3 dearest friends who let us use their house and talents to entertain our friends.
The Pregnant Lady Pinata, complete with pink nipples and muff!
W got the first "wack" at her.
Then I had my turn.
After much effort, the kids attacked!
And what was left was a little W baby, complete with dark hair and square hip glasses.
What a lovely picture of motherhood eh?
:) Cheers!